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发布者:来自网络 发布时间:2010/11/12 阅读:6916次    关键字: 微桥客户简介-ASKEY亚旭电脑

Askey – built on trust

Askey Computer Corporation was founded in 1989. A wholly owned subsidiary of ASUS Computers, one of the most admired enterprises today, Askey specializes in the manufacturing and development of state of the art electronic and network communications products and tools. Askey has built a solid reputation of trust and integrity over the years and has numerous customers from all over the world.

Thanks to the trust of its worldwide customers, Askey has become a major player in the Information Technology arena. Askey’s headquarters are located in Taipei, Taiwan. Additionally, Askey owns a factory park in Suzhou, China, where it operates three highly advanced processing plants. Driven by innovation, Askey’s business philosophy is based on sustainable progress, empowerment and trust with the ultimate goal of having happy, satisfied customers.


  1. 1989

    Askey Computer Corporation is founded in Taipei, Taiwan

  2. 1995

    ISO 9001 Certification in Taipei

  3. 1997

    Initial Public Offering in Taipei

  4. 1998

    ISO 14001 Certification in Taipei

  5. 1999

    Askey is the first Taiwanese company to be certified by CableLabs
    for its cable modems

  6. 2001

    TL 9000 Certification in Taipei. WiFi Certification to establish
    Manufacturing Plant in Suzhou, China

  7. 2002

    OHSAS18001 certified in Taipei. TL9000 certified in Suzhou

  8. 2006

    Askey becomes a member of ASUSTek. TS16949 Certification.
    ISO 14001 ,OHSAS18001 Certification in Suzhou.

  9. 2007

    QC080000 Certification. ESD S20.20 Certification in Suzhou

  10. 2009

    ISO/IEC17025 Accreditation in Suzhou

  11. 2010

    ISO 14064-1 Verification in Suzhou

  12. 2012

    ISO 13485 Certification in Suzhou

  13. 2013

    First Edition of CSR Report published

  14. 2014

    Medical Equipment GMP Certification in Taipei

  15. 2015

    IPC J-STD-001/IPC-A-610 Qualified Manufacturers Listing


Askey International Corporation (AIC)

Askey International Corporation (AIC) was established in 1996 in Silicon Valley, the epicentre of high-tech innovation. AIC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Askey Computer Corp. AIC has the mission of exploring advanced technologies, operating as the North-America distribution center and providing field support to clients in both North & South America.


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  • 上篇文章微桥客户简介-Accton智邦科技
  • 下篇文章微桥客户简介-SKYTECH天昊科技

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